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snippet: Overburdened Communities - Pollution Exposure, PM2.4, Ozone, Diesel PM, Cancer, Respitory Hazardous Index, Proxmitiy to Traffic, Proxmitiy to TRI, Proxmitiy to Hazadarwaste Landfills
summary: Overburdened Communities - Pollution Exposure, PM2.4, Ozone, Diesel PM, Cancer, Respitory Hazardous Index, Proxmitiy to Traffic, Proxmitiy to TRI, Proxmitiy to Hazadarwaste Landfills
extent: [[-79.4876510002386,37.9120610005009],[-75.0488150005516,39.723037000341]]
accessInformation: MDE, OS, OIMT
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Overburdened Communities Pollution Exposure, Scores combined with additional environmental overburdened per HB1200 and SB0528. Including Overburdened Pollution/Environmen, PM2.4, Ozone, Diesel PM, Cancer, Respitory Hazardous Index, Proxmitiy to Traffic, Proxmitiy to TRI, Proxmitiy to Hazadardous Waste Landfills
licenseInfo: The State of Maryland makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the quality, content, accuracy, completeness, currency, freedom from computer virus, or non-infringement of proprietary rights, of any of the design, information, text, graphics, images, pages, interfaces, links, software, or other materials and items contained in or displayed on this site. All such items and materials are provided on an "as is" basis, and you are fully and solely responsible for your use of them and for any results or consequences of your use. They have been compiled from a variety of sources, including sources beyond the control of the State of Maryland, and are subject to change without notice from the State. Commercial use is prohibited without the prior written permission of the State. In no event shall the State or its agencies, officers, employees, agents, or representatives be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages arising your accessing or using the site, or otherwise arising from the site or from anything contained in or displayed on the site. Nothing contained in or displayed on this site constitutes or is intended to constitute legal advice by the State or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, or representatives.
title: Overburdened_Pollution_Exposure
type: Map Service
tags: ["EJ","Overburdened Communities","Pollution Exposure","PM2.4","Ozone","Diesel PM","Cancer","Respitory Hazardous Index","Proxmitiy to Traffic","Proxmitiy to TRI","Proxmitiy to Hazadarwaste Landfills"]
culture: en-US
name: Overburdened_Pollution_Exposure
guid: FFF668C2-00EF-49FD-8320-69FAF6BC1EDC
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere